First let me say that I am aware that openvpn3 is not an official Fedora package; one must obtain it from a COPR repo. Therefore I could not file a bug against it in Fedora and in fact I don't know how I COULD file an official bug report, so I am just hoping that someone here has it working and could help.

I have had openvpn3 working since F35, including on a laptop that I originally installed openvpn3 on and it has been upgraded to F36 and now F37, and openvpn3 is working fine. 
However, on my new laptop with a fresh install of F37, I cannot get openvpn3 to work. The config manager seems to be OK, but the session manager is totally broken. First I import my config, and then:

[greg@ivanova ~]$ openvpn3 config-import --config /local/etc/OVPN.ovpn
Configuration imported.  Configuration path: /net/openvpn/v3/configuration/f75863b0x38dcx4ea5xa36ex35936d9cc4df
[greg@ivanova ~]$ openvpn3 configs-list
Configuration path
Imported                        Last used                 Used
Name                                                      Owner
Wed Mar 15 10:10:42 2023                                  0
/local/etc/OVPN.ovpn                                      greg
[greg@ivanova ~]$ openvpn3 session-start --config-path !$
openvpn3 session-start --config-path /net/openvpn/v3/configuration/f75863b0x38dcx4ea5xa36ex35936d9cc4df
** ERROR ** Could not establish a connection with 'net.openvpn.v3.sessions'
[greg@ivanova ~]$ openvpn3 sessions-list
** ERROR ** Could not establish a connection with 'net.openvpn.v3.sessions'
[greg@ivanova ~]$

Any of the session commands result in the same error, after a noticeable delay.

Anybody else seen this or have openvpn3 working on a fresh install of F37?
