Yep, I'm seeing something very similar. It's my work machine, so I don't have access now for a screenshot (funnily enough it hasn't affected the one home machine I tried it on). 

My symptoms are pretty well aligned with yours. Frequently (almost every track), the song starts, then goes silent, but the slider keeps going. Sometimes it comes back after a while, sometimes it's when the track changes.

I also noticed sometimes that the UI gets out of sync with what's actually playing, displaying the wrong track. One other oddness I noticed also was multiple tracks playing; i.e. if I repeatedly skip tracks, it can end up with three/four tracks playing. I left it like this for a while yesterday to see what would happen. After a while the Rhythmbox UI became unresponsive, but the music played on until the song(s) finished. After that I gave up and played music on my phone as I needed to get some work done. :-/

I'll submit  a bug on Monday if there isn't one done by then. 


On 5 November 2015 at 22:01, SternData <> wrote:
Before I bugzilla it, is anyone else seeing this?

Please see

>From time to time, since upgrading to F23, Rhythmbox gets very confused about where it is on a track, shows a VERY LARGE falue from the current position, and stops playing.

When I close it with the X, the window goes away, but rhythmbox itself doesn't.  I have to kill it from a terminal session.

-- Steve
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