I found references to it here:  https://pkgs.org/download/libnvidia-encode.so.1
There is a set of 3 RPMs available for Fedora 37.

I also found references to it here:  https://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=libnvidia-encode.so.1
Also found some applicable to Fedora 37, and some of these seem to be newer version(s) than @PKGS.

Best of luck!!


On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 07:55:17 PM EST, Bill Cunningham <bill.cu1234@gmail.com> wrote:

    I have the hand brake cli installed in my f37 distro environment.
It complains it wants libnvidia-encoder.so1 library or such. I have
tried dnf provides and I get nothing from the standard fedora 37 repo as
well as rpmfusion's free repo. This must be required in creating a mv4
from an ISO from a DVD created using genisoimage. Does anyone know an
answer to this?  I am not finding this shared library. Trying to create

HandBrakeCLI -i iso.iso -o iso.m4v ,

gives errors but there's no breaking. The CLI reports 10% done but
doesn't advance any farther than that.

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