Anil Felipe Duggirala <> 于 2020年7月20日周一 下午12:22写道:
hello everyone,
I would like to ask what is the best practice for upgrading (updating all packages, ie. "dnf upgrade") in my Fedora 32 Workstation. The Gnome Software graphical application provides a way for me to do this, but it can also be achieved in the command line. Do these two methods achieve exactly the same results?
If after a reboot, they have exact results. 
I would also like to plainly ask if in any occasion it is necessary or advisable to perform a system reboot after doing an "dnf upgrade".
A file used by a running program is updated, if the program/service don't get restarted, the updates won't apply (and the space used by the old version won't get released until restart the program)

For example, when you update Firefox,the running Firefox will still be the older version until you close all Firefox window and restart Firefox.
I have noticed that when the upgrade is performed with Gnome Software, a reboot is always performed after the upgrade.
Yes, full reboot always confirm that everything that needs restart is correctly restarted, also those don't need to, personally, I don't like this design.

(I think) The better way is:
thank you,
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