I click on the "Shut Down The Computer" icon on the
mate panel, and select hibernate.

So, please provide for an example of how to mod
the grub menu to hibernate correctly.

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 12:17 PM Samuel Sieb <samuel@sieb.net> wrote:
On 7/11/19 9:05 AM, JD wrote:
> You mean there is no util to do this for the user????
> Do the Fedora devs assume all users, newbies and old,
> have to "KNOW" this in order to do suspend to disk and
> be able to resume where they left off????

Hibernate wasn't really supported until very recently.  The installer
would not setup the resume line for you.  I think it does now.  However,
I thought systemd checked the requirements before allowing you to
hibernate.  How are you triggering the hibernate to happen?
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