2016-11-21 0:14 GMT+02:00 Andre Robatino <robatino@fedoraproject.org>:
> Use a Live version of GParted to do your partitioning first, then install.

The machine currently has a clean install of F24 (dual-boot with Windows). Normally, the installer makes me delete the existing Fedora partitions to free up space, then it creates new partitions using the free space. If I create empty partitions with GParted or some other tool, will the installer allow using those, and will it automatically know which to assign to /boot, / and swap so I don't have to custom partition to make changes? (Partitioning is not something I'm familiar with or good at.)

If you select Custom partitioning, you can select each partition there and set mountpoint. Also you can check a setting to format said partition.

If you have an existing Fedora installation, easiest way is probably to keep partitions and just format / and /boot

Kari Koskinen