if I was entering my root passwork incorrectly the dialogue would just go away & reappear asking for the root password again. In this case I enter my root password correctly & the dialog disapears & does not come back. Alternatively if my root authentication was failing in the terminal it would not see: [root@localhost awp]# which shows that I am loged in as root from my user account.

On 6/27/07, Tim < ignored_mailbox@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
On Wed, 2007-06-27 at 00:28 -0700, Ashley Pritchard wrote:

> I have recently installed Fedora 7 on my machine & got it working for
> the most part ie...adding DVD, mp3 support etc...but now when I login
> to my user account from GDM into Gnome I am not able to use any
> programs that require root access. If the Package updater pops up with
> updates I click on view packages & it asks for my root password. I
> enter it & nothing happens & it does the same thing for all programs
> that need root access.

You're certain that it's being entered correctly (no caps lock, etc.)?
And you haven't used some special characters that mightn't get treated
the same in a GUI environment?  Just saying that to cover all the bases.

I've just recently installed FC7, and don't have this issue.  I am
logged in as myself, I haven't logged in graphically as root at all, so
far.  I boot in run level 5, and the GUI is started automatically, then
I log in as myself.  If I pick something from the menus that requires
the root password, I'm prompted and it accepts.  If I su - in a terminal
and issue a command that does something graphical, it works (note 1).

I haven't tried booting in run level 3 (text only), starting X manually,
then doing "su -" to switch users.

I started off with the fairly basic defaults it offered me, and added a
few things.  Nothing special though, just a few user applications and
control panels for some services.  You might want to post a list of what
you have installed, so others can compare.  You can grab a list of
everything installed from an RPM from this file:  /var/log/rpmpkgs

Note 1.
Things like this work for me:

[tim@bigblack ~]$ su -
[root@bigblack ~]# serviceconf

[tim@bigblack ~]$ rm -rfd /*^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Huname -ipr
2.6.21-1.3228.fc7 i686 i386

Using FC 4, 5, 6 & 7, plus CentOS 5.  Today, it's FC7.

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Diolch yn fawr, Ashley