On 11/5/07, Brad Karain <masiit@gmail.com> wrote:
FC4 just says it finds no compatible drivers.  Do I need to be installing FC8?  Has anyone had trouble installing fedora on the P5K-E motherboards?


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Yep! it would be better to put on the recent version. Also take a look at Fedora's Hardware Compatibility List (HCL)    and Fedora is no more "Fedora Core" It's just Fedora since Fedora 7. Fedora 8 final version is not out there. It will be after some days so, u can give F7 a try.

If you didn't find any solution then kindly open a bug to drive developers attention.
Mustafa Qasim
Lahore, Pakistan
Cell: 0321-6614972
URL: http://www.mustu.info

Registered Linux User# 441709.