On 12 April 2013 06:01, Tim <ignored_mailbox@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
>> Lately half of the off topic threads ends with some sort of a mobile
>> agenda. :)
>> Is it really so attractive, or is it just a good job of marketing. :)

> Perhaps a sign of the times?  :-)
> And no I could not replace my desktop with a handheld. But... I can do
> one heck of a lot more of my 'away from my desk' business with my
> smartphone than just make phone calls.

Most of the time that I see someone playing with their $500 smart phone,
it's just a toy, or a music player.  Business users are about the only
ones who actually use it as a tool.

Maps, train timetables, email on the go, just of the top of my head. I've resisted getting one for quite some time, but it's becoming persuasive. I find tablets less so.

> Touch screen type of interfaces, don't work on non-touch screen devices,
> and are a bad interface for desktop or laptops.  And the usual
> interfaces that go along with them are appalling for multi-tasking.

This is spot on.
