For newbies pondering a build of a new computer with Ryzen platform.
( to run Fedora, of course, or at least an rpm-based Linux distro )

If not interested, please hit delete button now.  

If you want more details than what is below, then please message me privately,
meaning please do not respond unless there is something positive you can add to the topic,
that would interest the general audience, or to correct any errors in the post.

Regarding temperatures of hardware using two budget components:
Ryzen 3 and Radeon 5500XT.

The link below is a readout from the package "glances."

This is with more applications running simultaneously than I would ever use in the real world
( Torcs, SuperTuxCart, Firefox, Gmail, Youtube, glances, CPU-X, OBS-Studio, etc )

My computer case is enormous and with lots of premium fans:  two 120mm's on the front
and exhaust fans on the rear top, and a rear exhaust fan, and a giant
Noctua air-cooler with two fans.

graphics card:  a refurbished PowerColor 5500XT ( is at 40 degrees C according to CPU-X )
cpu:   Ryzen 3 1200AF ( is at 35 C according to CPU-X )
OS:     Fedora Rawhide with Gnome 3.38.1 ( kernel 5.9.0.rc8 )

Room temperature:   22.78 C

I have no idea what I am doing, so please do not shoot the messenger.


I am attempting to suggest, that if you are a newbie exploring Fedora and only do basic
computing stuff, to build a Ryzen computer with case that has a mesh intake front and a good
exhaust fan.       Maybe that is common sense, but lots of cases on the market have a front
glass panel that blocks a whole lot of the intake and changing the dust-filter is squirrely on some
older cases. 

Conclusion:     If you build a new computer with the new 12 nm Ryzen 3, and use a good air-cooler, and a case
with good air-flow, then you will be able to do basic computer task, with no temperature problems.

In addition: 

If you carefully build your computer with optimum parts, you will likely
experience similar temperature results using the new 12 nm Ryzen 5 ( 1600AF ).   I would be
making assumption that the cpu load temperature would be around 4 degrees higher.    I would
have bought that instead, had it been available on sale at the time I bought my Ryzen 3 1200AF.

David Locklear