On 07/08/2017 02:45 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 07/08/17 16:47, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
I can't begin to figure out what is happening and where to report as I am too much
of a newbie regarding NVidia on Linux
Problems with nouveau, like all packages actually supplied by fedora project, should
be filed at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/
If you have problems with nouveau and you report them you must continue to run
nouveau since as part of the bugzilla process you may be asked to perform additional
tests and/or provide more information.

If you report a nouveau problem, switch to nVidia drivers, and are then asked for
more information but are unable/unwilling to supply it you can expect the bugzilla to
be closed without getting fixed.

What I can offer is that I installed NVidia drivers from ElRepo repository on
Centos 7 and have seen no problems except for some noise between SELinux and the
NVidia install. This repository was suggested to me from Autodesk which clearly has
an interest in trying to run on NVidia. When I mentioned rpm-fusion, they "hinted"
that I might be better off on ElRepo.
The advice you've been given "may" be appropriate for Centos7 which is a long-life
distribution.  If one would check ELRepo's website they'd find that the latest driver
is version 346.35.

When it comes to Fedora, and/or the desire for quicker bug fixes and support for the
latest video HW, then RPMFusion is a better choice.  They package the latest released
(not beta) nVidia drivers.  They are currently at  375.66.

RPMFusion also provides you with "akmod" support.  This is beneficial as it allows
the kmod-nvidia packages/drivers to be rebuilt for newly released kernel updates
which can happen frequently with Fedora.

For what it is worth, I have not gotten "great response" out of RHEL/Centos on
issues regarding the introduction of NVidia drivers ... I think that once one
installs them "one is on one's own" in that RHEL/Centos world

Once you install any package which "taints" the kernel you can expect little help
from Fedora or Red Hat in resolving kernel related issues.  You also won't get help
with any packages not supplied by them.

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Thanks for correcting me on the Centos vs Fedora issue, I made a leap of faith that I shouldn't have. That being said, if you say RPMFusion is 375.66 then that is the same one available at ElRepo. Isn't the version available based on graphic card rather than opSys.

And I did not know about RPMFusion / akmod support ... I figured updates from NVidia would be unlikely for RHEL / Centos but was wondering what I would have to do if I discovered there was one.

I did query Centos bugzilla about the SELinux noise and realized a few days afterwards that the odds were good that silence was going to be the answer. I kinda hoped for a "yeah, that's expected" but that was a bit naive of me.
