On Sat, 8 Feb 2020 at 14:18, François Patte <francois.patte@mi.parisdescartes.fr> wrote:
Le 08/02/2020 à 18:52, Samuel Sieb a écrit :
> On 2/8/20 9:24 AM, François Patte wrote:
>> What I am now wondering is: why this package created an user when I
>> installed it and did not removed this user when I removed the package?
> I don't think any of them do that.  Removing a package doesn't remove
> any data created by it, so you will want the ownership to still be
> there.  Also, sometimes there are multiple packages using the same user.

So, why an installation script does not run rkhunter --propupd after the
installation (if it detects that rkhunter is on board) in order to take
care of owner's computer nerves?

rkhunter is not the only tool that tracks such changes, and some sites
have ad-hoc systems to track users and usage stats.  A packager
can't predict what side effects could occur from adding (or 
removing) a user.   Ideally, anyone who uses a package should
know if it creates a user, but often such information isn't passed on
to sys. admins with the request to install a package.

George N. White III