Would this be a good use for a local private mirror? 


On Mon, Sep 2, 2019 at 9:54 AM Richard Shaw <hobbes1069@gmail.com> wrote:
Since I have >7 Fedora installations I setup a squid proxy server specifically for the purpose of reducing my download data since many of the same packages are going to get downloaded over and over again.

I seem to be getting some hits (still looking for a GOOD squid analyzer!) but not as much as I would expect. I'm no regex expert but I tried to update the regex to pick up delta RPMS as well and may have made a mistake...

Here's my modifications to the default squid conf file...

 have not seen a larger RPM yet
maximum_object_size 1 GB

# cache RPMs only
acl rpm_only urlpath_regex \.[d]?rpm
cache allow rpm_only
cache deny all
cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA

Any ideas?

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Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC