I'm running Fedora 32 with a cheap webcam with Zoom. I actually haven't tried the webcam speakers instead use a usb headset. Never had a problem.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 11:48 AM SternData <subscribed-lists@sterndata.com> wrote:
Zoom works great with my webcam and its dual mics.  Logitech C920,
around $100.

On 11/10/20 11:49 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> I occasionally participate in Zoom calls using my Android tablet, and
> everything Just Works(tm). I'd like to do the same on my desktop with
> Fedora, but despite testing three different cheap webcams the big issue
> is always with the sound. I can hear the other people perfectly, and
> the video is fine, but the audio from my side is muddy and nearly
> impossible to understand. I've tried with and without headphones in
> case it's a feedback issue (though not using the headphone mic). It
> doesn't make any difference. Surely not all the webcam mics can be so
> bad? How would anyone ever use them?
> Is there some Pulse filter I can use to improve the audio quality? What
> are people doing in this situation?
> poc
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