On Sat, 14 Nov 2020 at 09:54, John Mellor <john.mellor@gmail.com> wrote:
Gnome bugzilla is absolutely useless, as nobody is doing any bugfixes. 
I don't think that a single one of my bugs has been resolved ever since
Fedora started using Gnome.  Its a very strong indication of a broken
system, and probably a very broken development organization.

I suspect the majority of developers who are actually paid to work on
linux are working on things useful for HPC: deep learning, numerical
modelling, etc.   X.org has also suffered.

Linux has the advantage and disadvantage that there are many 
desktop environments/experiences.   Variety is good as it promotes
exploration and innovation, but it results in developer resources 
being spread across many projects.   

So, maybe moving to a different tracking system will be a good thing. 
At least GitLab will nag them about their backlog until its corrected. 
However, more critically, Gnome needs more people fixing bugs instead of
writing new features, and much better communications.

If that doesn't work, maybe its time in (say) a year, for Fedora to move
the default GUI install away from Gnome.

I use Gnome because the majority of the minority of my colleagues that use 
linux (most use macOS if IT allows it, otherwise are stuck with "enterprise 
standard Windows") on laptops are using Gnome on Ubuntu or Debian 
(while doing heavy computations on RHEL/CENTOS).   With Fedora 
getting some vendor support, more users may start using Fedora to avoid 
dealing with different package systems.   

In my experience, MATE is the second most popular desktop (thanks to Mint).
There have been efforts to support Wayland via MIR:


George N. White III