Whats up mate?

I've checked my kernel version, here is the output:

[root@localhost bravo_elf]# uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain #1 SMP Sun Feb 10 16:35:26 EST 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Also I've verified if there fglrx driver installed:

[root@localhost bravo_elf]# rpm -qa|grep fglrx
[root@localhost bravo_elf]#

It means I have nothing installed..... so Tim was right about this when he wrote it's message about installing packages with mistakes.

Now about my kernel, I almost knew it was i686 too, but what do we need to now?

All the updates I download,  have an i386 classification. I suppose it's  not only me  :))), but all those guys who uses 32bit systems  ;-) :-) 

I didn't clearly understood  your explain about i586 and i686. 
What I know, is that when I need to DL some linux distro    I need to look for i386 type(
because I have 32 bit pentium IV)
Do i586 and i686 different version  for  i386? 




The computer architecture evolved from 8086... 4x86... Pentium... II,
III, IV, but the core is the same.

When Fedora Developers compile the Linux Kernel, they choose a
compatibility level.
As "default", they choose i686, that is a nick-name for Pentium Pro,
Via C7, Athlon XP, Pentium II, III, and so on...

It gives a loot of compatibility.

The problem is that YOUR Fedora has (or is trying to do) 2 kernels, of
same version, installed.
One for i586 and other for i686.
Pentium VS Pentium II/Pro/Intel Core/Core 2

Try a "uname -a" to know the version you are running.

I heavily SUPPOSE that you have the i686 installed, and that yum is
trying to install the kmod-fglrx for i586 creating a false obligation
to install the i586 kernel. Only the kmod meets the kernel arch - the
binary driver will be i386.

it may be related to yum-fedorakmod package.

But without your "uname -a" output, I can't say something 100% right.