On 5/4/06, Jim Lowman <jmlowman@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
It looks like I didn't communicate my problem effectively.

I did a clean install of FC5 (32-bit) on my Dell 8500 laptop.
When I go to System->Preferences->Screensaver under Gnome,
the interface is decidedly different than that of FC4.  For example,
the checkboxes where individual screensavers can be selected are
missing.  I *think* what I need is to be able to do is deselect the one that
represents a blank screen, or there is something in power management
that is causing the display to blank after a while; perhaps 10 minutes.

Any insight will be much appreciated.  I realize that this is a trivial
matter in the big picture, but I would like to have things working in
FC5 that worked in FC4.


No what you need to do is disable blanking in the Xserver.  As I explained before the command is "xset s off".  If you want this to be persistant edit /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc-common and append something like this:

if [ -x /usr/bin/xset ]; then
      /usr/bin/xset s off