Again, fedora upgrades using fedup ...

Starting with Fedora 20, did
  ... stuff ...
  > fedup --network 21 --product=nonproduct
  ... stuff ...
  > fedup --network 22 --product=nonproduct

So, now rebooted and it started.
I have all my machines in multi-user mode just
in case there is an issue with X.
Now tried to start X ... and there was an issue.

X starts but there is no mouse control (pointer on screen
but the mouse does not move it) and after a minute or
less I get an widget stating that the Plasma desktop
closed unexpectedly.

I have to login from another machine to do a reboot.

rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME} %{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} %{ARCH}\n'  | grep plasma
plasma-workspace 5.3.2-2.fc22 x86_64
plasma-nm-openswan 5.3.2-1.fc22 x86_64
plasma-nm-vpnc 5.3.2-1.fc22 x86_64
plasma-nm-openvpn 5.3.2-1.fc22 x86_64
plasma-milou 5.3.2-1.fc22 x86_64
plasma-breeze-common 5.3.2-1.fc22 noarch
plasma-breeze 5.3.2-1.fc22 x86_64
plasma-nm-openconnect 5.3.2-1.fc22 x86_64
kf5-plasma 5.11.0-1.fc22 x86_64
plasma-nm 5.3.2-1.fc22 x86_64
kdeplasma-addons 5.3.2-1.fc22 x86_64
plasma-desktop 5.3.2-3.fc22 x86_64
plasma-pk-updates 0.2-1.fc22 x86_64
kde-settings-plasma 22-11.fc22 noarch
plasma-nm-l2tp 5.3.2-1.fc22 x86_64
plasma-desktop-doc 5.3.2-3.fc22 noarch
plasma-nm-pptp 5.3.2-1.fc22 x86_64
plasma-systemsettings 5.3.2-1.fc22 x86_64

rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME} %{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} %{ARCH}\n'  | grep kmod
akmod-nvidia-340xx 340.76-2.fc22.12 x86_64
kmod-libs 21-1.fc22 x86_64
akmods 0.5.3-2.fc22 noarch
kmodtool 1-23.fc22 noarch
kmod 21-1.fc22 x86_64
xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-340xx-kmodsrc 340.76-1.fc22 x86_64

As user (not root):
 qdbus --system

dmesg | grep -i nouv
[    0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.0.8-300.fc22.x86_64 root=UUID=19fd15d5-0e5d-4019-bf06-4dac9744be1b ro rd.luks.uuid=luks-2a80faec-d21d-4a06-80fe-ad5a445d8aa1 vconsole.font=latarcyrheb-sun16 rd.luks.uuid=luks-8597ed23-e47c-427d-834c-e2fc5ec21bd3 rhgb quiet nouveau.modeset=0 rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau video=vesa:off
[    0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.0.8-300.fc22.x86_64 root=UUID=19fd15d5-0e5d-4019-bf06-4dac9744be1b ro rd.luks.uuid=luks-2a80faec-d21d-4a06-80fe-ad5a445d8aa1 vconsole.font=latarcyrheb-sun16 rd.luks.uuid=luks-8597ed23-e47c-427d-834c-e2fc5ec21bd3 rhgb quiet nouveau.modeset=0 rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau video=vesa:off

/sbin/lsmod |grep nouveau
<nothing returned>

I notice that there were some mail threads discussing
something like this but I could not find one this
the solution.
