On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 10:24 PM Gordon Messmer <gordon.messmer@gmail.com> wrote:
On 07/28/2016 06:34 PM, Mike Wright wrote:
> Usually I start it like this:
> ssh-agent
> The solution was to invoke ssh-agent differently:
> eval `ssh-agent -s`

Yes, that's normal.  You need to either eval the output of ssh-agent or
it must be the parent process of your shell.  (e.g. ssh-agent
gnome-shell).  If you weren't doing that in the past, then the ssh-agent
you invoked without "eval" wasn't the ssh-agent you were actually
using.  GNOME provides its own agent, for instance, and you may have
been using that.

Agreed. Mike was almost certainly connecting to the one provided by gnome-keyring-daemon (/run/user/<uid>/keyring/ssh), and the ssh-agent he was launching wasn't being used at all.

As was pointed out in the previous thread, it seems there might be a race condition, and sometimes this socket doesn't get created by gnome-keyring-daemon when one logs in.

This has only happened to me in F24, and it has happened a few times since I've upgraded. So far, I've found that simply logging out and logging back in is usually sufficient to fix it. It is annoying, though, especially since I don't see any errors from monkeysphere when it tries to inject my auth keys into the agent and the agent isn't there.