In my experience (and I have debug 100's of emergency mode).    The issue is typically a filesystem issue.  Either the fstab entry is wrong, or a driver required by a critical filesystem is failing.  The ugliest ones are when the issue is inside the initramfs and that issue is causing the root device to not be found.

My practice is always add ,nofail to the defaults (column 4) on any filesystems not absolutely required to get the machine up.   My goal is to get the machine up on the network, going into emergency mode typically slows down and complicates the debugging, often making the debugging much harder.

To get the machine up, /, /usr, /var are about all that are critical to boot up, and those may all be on the rootfs device.    /home and some other fses may be needed for critical applications to start and/or for graphical logins to work. 

On Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 3:54 PM Barry Scott <> wrote:

> On 11 Dec 2022, at 21:43, Geoffrey Leach <> wrote:
> When things come ungluded on booting,the user is offered a root login,
> which seems to be referred to as "Emergency Mode"
> journalctl is suggested as a place to start looking for causes. In the
> output there are no priority 0 and 1 (and perhaps 2) problems. Running
> the reboot with display of the process (I forget exactly how I edited
> the boot command) shows nothing of interest.
> fedora-live runs without problems, and I'm able to reinstall 37 and
> reboot it. One the next reboot - or the one after that, I'm back in
> Emergency Mode.
> So, as I'm about to reboot :-(,  Wish me luck

What does this show when the world break?

$ systemctl --failed


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