On Wed, 26 Aug 2020 at 21:16, Cameron Simpson <cs@cskk.id.au> wrote:
On 26Aug2020 08:29, George N. White III <gnwiii@gmail.com> wrote:
>For both Windows and macOS Calibre runs in a qemu VM, so it
>should be possible to construct a lighter VM for F32 based on the
>Windows and macOS examples.

Calibre is a native Python 2.7 PyQt5 app on MacOS. It does _not_ run in
a VM.  The Python 2.7 install is shipped as part of the calibre

Calibre itself is just python.  Many plugins do use shared libraries, but the
same python code can run on multiple platforms using the platform PyQT5.

This depends on plugin authors following the recommendation to make
plugins work for both Python2 and Python3.   Calibre is written in Python 
and relies on platform-specific Python libraries (PyQt5), so the Windows 
and MacOS  builds now use QEMU (previously they used VirtualBox) 
to run a linux build system:
May 30th.   

Cameron Simpson <cs@cskk.id.au>
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George N. White III