Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden has posted comments on this change.
Change subject: Add deathSignal options to better peopen ......................................................................
Patch Set 5: I would prefer that you didn't submit this
(2 inline comments)
Looks good, just nitpicking on the commit message.
.................................................... Commit Message Line 9: This allows VDSM to specify as signal that will be sent by the kernel to s/as/the
Line 13: recompile the SO when the C file was changed No need to indent this block.
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Gerrit-MessageType: comment Gerrit-Change-Id: I9f987129cea112e2a75d6f02477369417cc50dc7 Gerrit-PatchSet: 5 Gerrit-Project: vdsm Gerrit-Branch: master Gerrit-Owner: Saggi Mizrahi smizrahi@redhat.com Gerrit-Reviewer: Ayal Baron abaron@redhat.com Gerrit-Reviewer: Dan Kenigsberg danken@redhat.com Gerrit-Reviewer: Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden ewoud@kohlvanwijngaarden.nl Gerrit-Reviewer: Federico Simoncelli fsimonce@redhat.com Gerrit-Reviewer: Saggi Mizrahi smizrahi@redhat.com