Deepak C Shetty has posted comments on this change.
Change subject: [WIP] Added getStorageDevices verb. ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
Hello Bala,
1) Can you provide a usecase/scenario where this verb will be used in order to better understand the patch ?
I am assuming this will be used to list down the potential storage devices which can act as a brick for creating gluster volume from oVirt, as well as use these storage devices for basing VDSM storage domain upon.
2) Going ahead, its possible for oVirt user to use a gluster volume or a LUN provisioned from external array (both available/seen on the host) also as potential storage devices, in which case I am not sure if the proposed dict structure would suffice ? Should we be looking at a structure which is extensible to accomodate gluster and/or LUN capabilities ?
3) Given that storage in oVirt is either file/block based, and it will remain that ways going ahead, isn't it better to have a dict where primary key is either File or Block and values are dict as proposed by you in this patch ? That will help oVirt make calls like "Give me all File based storage devices" if user is creating a file based domain and similarly for block based. Having them as primary keys, will help oVirt GUI to populate availabel storage devices based on File or Block type, selected by user.
4) #3 above can be extended in future by adding Gluster as the primary key, in case oVirt user wishes to use gluster volume as the backend for storage domain
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Gerrit-MessageType: comment Gerrit-Change-Id: I2cb217321a7a8dfcd1b507c7cba2888f08612207 Gerrit-PatchSet: 1 Gerrit-Project: vdsm Gerrit-Branch: master Gerrit-Owner: Bala.FA Gerrit-Reviewer: Ayal Baron Gerrit-Reviewer: Bala.FA Gerrit-Reviewer: Dan Kenigsberg Gerrit-Reviewer: Deepak C Shetty Gerrit-Reviewer: Eduardo Gerrit-Reviewer: Federico Simoncelli Gerrit-Reviewer: Saggi Mizrahi Gerrit-Reviewer: Timothy Asir