David Caro has posted comments on this change.
Change subject: automation: Enable xunit report ......................................................................
Patch Set 4: Code-Review-1
(1 comment)
https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/46640/4/automation/build-artifacts.sh File automation/build-artifacts.sh:
Line 15: make PYFLAKES=true PEP8=true NOSE_EXCLUDE=.* rpm Line 16: Line 17: find "$BUILDS" \ Line 18: -iname *.rpm \ Line 19: -exec mv {} "$EXPORTED_ARTIFACTS/" ; this will not work, as build-artifacts.sh will be run independently too (the fact that check-patch runs it is to avoid duplicating the code).
Any of the three main scripts (check-patch, check-merged and build-artifacts) should be able to run without any parameters or expecting any env vars (aside from posix ones, $PWD $HOME and such) Line 20: find "$PWD" \ Line 21: -maxdepth 1 \ Line 22: -iname vdsm*.tar.gz \