Dan Kenigsberg has posted comments on this change.
Change subject: Correct vdsClient's help for the verb getVmsInfo ......................................................................
Patch Set 2: I would prefer that you didn't submit this
(2 inline comments)
.................................................... Commit Message Line 5: CommitDate: 2012-08-29 13:37:23 +0800 Line 6: Line 7: Correct vdsClient's help for the verb getVmsInfo Line 8: Line 9: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=727791 please use
Bug-Id: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=727791 Line 10: Line 11: replace the help with the following: Line 12: getVmsInfo <spUUID> [<sdUUID> [vmList](vmId1,vmId2,...)] Line 13:
.................................................... File vdsm_cli/vdsClient.py Line 2222: )), Line 2223: 'getVmsInfo': (serv.do_getVmsInfo, Line 2224: ('<spUUID> [<sdUUID> [vmList](vmId1,vmId2,...)]', Line 2225: 'Return info of VMs from the pool or a backup domain ' Line 2226: 'if it's sdUUID given. If vmList also given, only get ' it's->its
If vmList also given-> If vmList is also given Line 2227: 'info for these VMs.' Line 2228: )), Line 2229: 'getVmsList': (serv.do_getVmsList, Line 2230: ('<spUUID> [sdUUID]',
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Gerrit-MessageType: comment Gerrit-Change-Id: I152f28dea29f6ac6bb61c0597dbd3b596646c569 Gerrit-PatchSet: 2 Gerrit-Project: vdsm Gerrit-Branch: master Gerrit-Owner: Zhu Bo bozhu@linux.vnet.ibm.com Gerrit-Reviewer: Dan Kenigsberg danken@redhat.com Gerrit-Reviewer: Mark Wu wudxw@linux.vnet.ibm.com Gerrit-Reviewer: ShaoHe Feng shaohef@linux.vnet.ibm.com Gerrit-Reviewer: Zhou Zheng Sheng zhshzhou@linux.vnet.ibm.com Gerrit-Reviewer: Zhu Bo bozhu@linux.vnet.ibm.com Gerrit-Reviewer: oVirt Jenkins CI Server