Opps, I replied back to the original within 5 minutes of it appearing on the list but I guess my reply did NOT include the fedora-virt list and only went directly to the original poster.
Anyhoo... we already have a fix for it and it is listed below.
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----- Original Message -----
Hi, today all my KVMs based on qcow2 images have failed with "not a bootable hard disk" message.
I am running F13 x64 fully yum updated on AMD Phenom II X4.
All these VMs were working fine (linux,freebsd,winxp).
When I booted a VM from an ISO image and looked at the /dev/vda - there was a "corrupt" partition table.
When I converted the qcow2 image to raw, and looked at the partition table, it was fine.
When I switched the VM to use the raw image, it booted and ran fine.
Any known issues with recent KVM/qcow2 interfaction?
Packages: kernel- gpxe-roms-qemu-1.0.0-1.fc13.noarch qemu-common-0.12.3-8.fc13.x86_64 qemu-img-0.12.3-8.fc13.x86_64 qemu-system-x86-0.12.3-8.fc13.x86_64 qemu-kvm-0.12.3-8.fc13.x86_64
Help!? Tks.
Yeah, I had the same problem and thanks goes to nirik for pointing me to the following info that fixed it for me:
Read the notes. What I did was edit the config and turn switch probing back... and edit my VM's config and change the disk type from "raw" to "qcow2".
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