Ok, so the 'host=' argument is unsupported on qemu 0.13 and the spice documentation is wrong.

Attached is a qemu wrapper script that you can save under the name /tmp/qemu-libvirt-spice-fixer.
Then you edit your /etc/libvirt/qemu/myvm.xml and change the emulator line to this:


Now use virt-manager 0.8.6 to create a spice display or simply add it manually to /etc/libvirt/qemu/myvm.xml like this:

    <graphics type='spice' autoport='yes'/>

Restart libvirt and boot your VMs.
You can now use spicy to connect to your VMs.

This is quite dirty and insecure cause anybody anywhere will be able to connect to your VMs with the spice protocol. But we are testing new stuff here, right!?

You can clean the mess when qemu 0.14 will be available so all these workaround won't be needed anymore. Hopefully.


On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 14:47, Avi Alkalay <avi@unix.sh> wrote:
Meanwhile I can't test and play with none of these features because the newest packaged qemu I can find is 0.13 which doesn't support parameters that libvirt generates.


I'm not willing to compile qemu 0.14 just to test spice.

Unless you guys have another tip or hidden repo to point me...

Thanks in advance,

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 12:30, Tom Hughes <tom@compton.nu> wrote:
On 10/02/11 14:21, Cole Robinson wrote:

> You'll need qemu-0.14 for this to work, however it doesn't look like the
> release candidate has been built for rawhide yet.

Or for virt-preview, which makes it rather hard to test new features
like this...

The virt-preview repo has also been broken for several days now because
the new virt-manager packager wants spice-gtk-python which isn't there.


Tom Hughes (tom@compton.nu)
virt mailing list