> i tried "./configure --sysconfdir=C:\pki\"
> but this didnot work...

When you say this "did not work", how did it fail?  The clue is
usually in the error message.

when i did --sysconfdir="C:\pki\" I expected that i have keep my certificates under this directory(correct me if i'm wrong).
But it was still taking the certificates from "Z:\usr\i686-pc-mingw\sys-confic\mingw\etc\pki" (in Windows).


Regarding virsh:

virsh on linux mahine:

URI tried from a remote linux mahine:

virsh -c qemu+tcp://FC11-KVM/session

virsh -c qemu://FC11-KVM/session

virsh -c qemu+ssh://FC11-KVM/session

virsh -c qemu+unix://FC11-KVM/session

all of these work fine

virsh on windows:

on windows the supported URIs are:

virsh.exe -c qemu+tcp://FC11-KVM/session

virsh.exe -c qemu://FC11-KVM/session

URI "qemu+tcp://FC11-KVM/session" works fine. It gets connected and i can call all the functions.
I have also written a small code on C#.net and i use this URI (qemu+tcp://FC11-KVM/session) to connect to libvirt and call the functions and it works fine without any problem.

Now the problem again comes with URI : virsh.exe -c qemu://FC11-KVM/session

when i rum me code using the above URI
this is what the error message that it gives:
Cannot access CA certificate '/usr/i686-pc-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem' : errno=2

So basically i need to change the the path it is looking in.....

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@redhat.com> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 09:02:59PM +0530, anuj rampal wrote:
> i tried "./configure --sysconfdir=C:\pki\"
> but this didnot work...

When you say this "did not work", how did it fail?  The clue is
usually in the error message.

In any case, you almost certainly can't just write C:\pki\ because \
is an escape character.  Maybe you can double them, or use forward
slashes instead.

> LIBVIRT_DEBUG=1 virt-viewer -c qemu://FC11-KVM/session 2

It's really not helpful to use virt-viewer to test.  Test using a
simple tool like virsh.  Get that working first.  Once you understand
what the problem was, *only then* try virt-viewer.

> Do we have to do any configuration on libvirtd to make virt-viewer to work
> over tcp and tls because it works fine from a remote linux machine over ssh.

You can also disable encryption in libvirtd:


or read the libvirtd.conf file.


Richard Jones, Emerging Technologies, Red Hat  http://et.redhat.com/~rjones
Read my programming blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
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