Hi everyone!

Welcome to WASM SIG!

I believe we all realize this is still largely a WIP and a lot of things need to be resolved and your input is greatly appreciated.

What I think the next steps should be:
1.) Agreeing on a communication channel, ie IRC/Matrix/Telegram/Slack/whatever
2.) Improve the Wiki, ideally I'd like to see you listed there, also mentioning involved projects (ie Rust, Node.js etc) might be useful.
3.) Find out what's the current state of WASM in Fedora and what we would like it to be.
4.) Do we need a group for better package/bug tracking?

One more reminder that there will be a kick-off meeting on Mon Jan 23 at 4pm UTC (9am Pacific, 11am ET, 5pm CET).
The link is meet.google.com/vch-jjne-vqt
If you can't or don't want to attend, you can still propose agenda to be discussed.

Thank you

Have a nice weekend
