I'm not sure if y'all realize it, but the newly redesigned Fedora
Project web site has some issues with how it renders on Firefox
(3.6.10) on Windows (XP). I've attached some screen shots, and
describe the problems I see below.
Some of the problems are clearly a result of a bad interaction with
Adblock Plus, but since this is a very widely used Firefox add-on, you
may want to consider re-coding your pages to avoid problems with this
1) If users have Adblock Plus enabled, the [1][2][3][4] boxes don't
render and the top section of the home page doesn't change (no big
deal -- that's to be expected with Adblock Plus). See
fedoraproject_home_page_with_adblock_01.PNG and
fedoraproject_home_page_no_adblock_01.PNG to see the page with Adblock
enabled and disabled.
2) If users have Adblock Plus enabled, the page renders with really
messed up layout -- sections of the page render on top of each other,
some links don't work (e.g., the link to Fedora 14), and the page
generally looks like somebody really badly mangled the CSS. See
fedoraproject_home_page_with_adblock_01.PNG and
fedoraproject_home_page_with_adblock_02.PNG versus
fedoraproject_home_page_no_adblock_01.PNG and
fedoraproject_home_page_no_adblock_02.PNG for examples.
On the other hand, not all the problems are caused by Adblock Plus:
1) The new font renders really poorly. The rendering reminds me of
what I see when a 1280x1024 image is rendered on a 1024x768 projector.
Hopefully you can get these problems cleaned up and the page back to
looking beautiful again quickly, especially as Fedora 14 is right
around the corner!
If I can help run any tests, send additional screenshots, or whatever,
please let me know.
- Paul