Hi, I completed the Fedora Free Media Request Form, which is currently Open, on fedoraproject.org. When I click on the “Take me to the next page” button, I consistently get a “Forbidden: Ticket_Create” error on fedorahosted.org. I’ve tried it on both Firefox & Chrome with the same results. I’ve attached screen shots from my Chrome attempt. Here’s the URL where I get the error message: https://fedorahosted.org/freemedia/newticket?reporter=SESJAM21@Gmail.com&summary=%20Sybil%20E%20Smith%20from%20UNITED%20STATES%20wants%20a%20i386%20DVD.&description=Sybil%20E%20Smith,[[BR]]1758%20Flagler%20Ave%20NE%20[[BR]]Atlanta%20[[BR]]GA%2030309-2706%20[[BR]]UNITED%20STATES.[[BR]]%20&version=i386%20DVD&keywords=NorthAmerica,%20Fedora%2012,%20May%202010&email=SESJAM21@Gmail.com&country=UNITED%20STATES


Am I doing something wrong & how do I get my form submitted so I can get the media?




Sybil E Smith




P.S. I understand that emails to this address are publicly archived & I’m okay with that. I do hope, however, that you will obscure all my contact info, especially email address, for privacy reasons!