Hey Everyone,

Noel here, I've been a linux user for more than 4 years now. This time I decided to contribute to the linux community and share my knowledge as well meet awesome people and learn new things. I'm currently employed as Sr. Web Developer here in the Philippines. I have been planning a long time ago to join a community but can't decide which one. Now I finally made my choice by choosing fedora. I have read through a lot of discussions and we'll, my current linux distro is fedora. 

Fedora OS have been a huge part of my career as a web developer. I have used ubuntu for about 2 years but then later on switches to fedora. Up until now I'm loving it! I was able to learn a lot of stuff from this distro including GIMP, Vim, Bash scripting and a lot more! All I can conclude is that this distro powers up developers!

By just using fedora, I was able to strengthen my skills in PHP, MySql, shell scripting, server administration, and some other cool things I have learned from fedora.

I think I have said too much already. Anyway, I'm looking forward to meet some friends and share my knowledge and skills and contribute to this amazing community.

Best regards,

Noel Jarencio