On Wed, Aug 29, 2007 at 07:51:02AM +0200, jevegter@kpnplanet.nl wrote:
My website www.la-traviata.nl is gone , I am getting your Fedora page first yesterday. Now I am only getting a blank page and no way that the homepage can be upoaded again . I amhiring space at Flexweb , all my other sites that go by Flexweb are still working normally . So what is going on that we cannot put our website back online ?
That is a test page included with our operating system; we don't actually control your website. For more information, please refer to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ServerTestPage.
In this case, you should contact your web host's support, as only they can make the necessary configuration changes to remove the test page.
Thanks, Ricky