
My name is Jacob Haug, and I was hoping I could get involved in an open source project.  I've been involved in the web world for over 7 years, and am very good with OOP PHP. I also know (X)HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.  I'm working on learning Python now, but am still a noob when it comes to that! :)

You can read some of the articles I've published here....

The last article was "Optimizing Your Website For Speed".

Here are a few of my websites....

Portfolio: http://www.jacobhaug.com/
Blog: http://www.okayjacob.com/
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/JacobHaug

Business 1: http://www.backendlabs.com/
Business 2: http://www.collisionhosting.com/

Project 1: http://www.landlordmd.com/
Project 2: http://codify.it/

If you're interested in knowing a bit more about me, here is a little spiel from my website!

My name is Jacob Haug. People who know me, describe me as a tornado. My mind is always whirling with ideas and projects. I have volumes of pent up energy that sometimes just rises to the top and erupts like a volcano, resulting in lots of sleepless nights spent solving web problems or finishing up an application. Can I be both a tornado and a volcano? Well, why not! I admit, I am sometimes a force to be reckoned with. I’m generally very easy-going. But, I’m somewhat obsessive about getting things done and getting them done the right way. As long as you can get on board with that, we’ll get along just fine.  Read More -> http://www.okayjacob.com/about/

Looking forward to working with you!
