On Mon, 2008-08-04 at 23:34 -0400, Ricky Zhou wrote:
On 2008-08-04 10:24:01 PM, ylynfatt wrote:
> I was taking a look at the Fedora Websites Page Request wiki
> page (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites/PageRequests)
> and noticed that the fp.o/contact page was listed. I was
> wondering if anyone had started/was currently working on
> that page and if it was still required? If it's still
> required and no one is currently working on it, I'd like to
> take this on as a start since I'm still fairly new. 
Great!  I don't think anybody's working on it at the moment, and we
could definitely still use the page.

> >From the requirements and details I know we need contact
> info for end user support, legal issues, website issues and
> the apache test page. What other contacts are needed or what
> other questions do we get via the mailing list that are
> misdirected or off topic?
That sounds like a pretty complete list.  Maybe we could add a contact
for mirror problems (is mirror-admin@fp.o the right address for those?)

Thanks for taking this on,
Hey Ricky,

I stumbled across this page on the wiki (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Contact) and noticed it had the email addresses for some contact persons for various inquiries. Should these be added to the fp.o/contact page and if so are the names mentioned here still the same persons that those inquiries should to be sent to?

Also can anyone else confirm that the email address Ricky mentioned for mirror problems is the right address?


Okay I brought this up in Monday's meeting and so I'm just sending this out again to get some feedback from everyone else. I was supposed to be working on fp.o/contact, however, I came across a page on the wiki that already had some contacts (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Contact). In speaking with Ian and a few others at the meeting on monday, we were wondering if it made sense to continue with the fp.o/contact page or simply just redirect it to the wiki page and update that page instead.

What do you think? Also can anyone confirm if the contacts on the wiki contact page are all still correct?
