Great idea!

So, in pages under /wiki/pt_BR/, for example, it only need add a new category.


2007/6/25, Karsten Wade < >:
On Sat, 2007-06-23 at 19:52 +0100, Dimitris Glezos wrote:

> I added another approach: create a subpage listing translations and linking from
> all pages there, so that all localized pages link to all the rest. I used a
> table and some CSS to style it up (which could be moved to our CSS file
> screen-common.css).

How about using the Category* tool?  For example, all pages translated
into French would have this at the bottom:


If that is confusing, how about "CategoryLangfrFR".

The category tool is a bit resource intensive to use, AIUI.  Still, if
every translated page were part of a category of pages in that language,
it would make pulling up all translated pages a bit easier.

- Karsten
   Karsten Wade, 108 Editor       ^     Fedora Documentation Project
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