2017-02-15 0:24 GMT+01:00 Robert Mayr <robyduck@fedoraproject.org>:

2017-02-14 15:29 GMT+01:00 Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis <alleinerwolf@gmail.com>:
Hello Robert, tomorrow I will do a previous workshop with the topics that we agreed.

Will it be necessary to install a program for the video conference on Saturday?

That depends what we want to use, or to do. We can make it a classic IRC meeting, or video conference, although this often has some issues.
Bluejeans is just a plugin, we can also use jitsi if desired. Just let me know. 

Robert Mayr

For the first topic I guess an IRC meeting is also fine. I can add some slides and an etherpad.
It would be nice if you can clone the websites repo in the meanwhile, in order to file PRs.
See you.

Robert Mayr