On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Ian Weller <ian@ianweller.org> wrote:
Looks like the reason that slides 2 and 3 aren't working is because of
the gradients that were added in the 27th (according to git blame) but
weren't tested well enough.

This patch definitely fixes older browsers, but I don't know if the
gradient still happens on gecko/webkit, so please test if you're
actually running an up-to-date version of Fedora (I'm not).

I can push this if I get a few people saying that the gradient still
works in new stuff. The alternative is to revert that commit (c7f030a1).

Ian Weller <ian@ianweller.org>
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I tested it and i don't see any ill effects from it.
