I've been playing around with Linux for 3-4 years and have now decided to be part of a team of contributors. So, I've been playing with the joining fedora-websites process all day and I finally got to the introductory step.
I've already created a wiki account: IonuțArțăriși and a FAS one: mapleoin.
I'm primarily interested in developing my web programming skills. I've had experience as a web developer(mainly as a hobby, but have also developed two websites using django and rails). I think my HTML\CSS skills are good and my python/ruby skills are those of a begginer. I'd really love to help with server side programming where I can, but I also think I'll need some guidance. A mentor would be nice, but I guess the IRC channel will do just fine otherwise :). I'm a bit tired of arranging elements with CSS, so that wouldn't be very attractive for me and I'm also not very happy doing the webdesign job.
I hope that's ok for starters.
Now, when/how do I begin? Where do I go next? (I have to say I loved the well-documented steps until now).