
Welcome Wizard is for people who setup a new FAS account, and fedora-tour is more like a first boot program that runs. So its all different, dont think they have anything at common.

- Hiemanshu

On 22 May 2010 15:43, Ankur Sinha <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, 2010-05-22 at 12:19 +0530, Hiemanshu Sharma wrote:
> Hey,
> Just an FYI Welcome Wizard != Fedora Tour, the welcome wizard is an
> idea for Fedora Summer Coding and the mentor is Mike McGrath.
> - Hiemanshu


I know that it isn't the same thing but I'm not sure how having a
Welcome Wizard and a Fedora-tour (which will also run on start up) be
helpful. Maybe we need to loop Mike into this and see what's going on.
