
If you guys give us the final version we can deploy it tomorrow alongside with the other things im gonna work on.
Mike, Mo, Rahul, how does this work for you guys ?


On 5/13/07, Bart Couvreur <couf@skynet.be> wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Rahul Sundaram schreef:
> Bart Couvreur wrote:
>> Why link? Shouldn't we just add them to the site? As in keeping the
>> people on our site, not Red Hat's, which makes the line between Red Hat
>> and Fedora somewhat less obscure, imho.
> Red Hat handles press releases for Fedora which has a budget around that
> and won't spread much without the contacts already well established.
> Leverage it is IMO better.

>> On a totally unrelated note, should we get our heads round L10N? Or not?
> As in having a static version of L10N page or have L10N versions of this
> pages? I would rather not do the former and the latter should definitely
> be done. One more reason to get the website launched early.

The latter was indeed what I meant. Apache has some nice things to do an
automated check off the language a give the right one (based on
browser-settings). Or should we use a javascript-detection and/or
linking to the seperate lang-pages?.

I suppose Apache would be the way to go.

On an L10N-infrastructural note, we should look at the way the
homepage-module in the docs-project works, to make sure we can let the
translators work with their favorite translation-tools. An xml/xsl
combination seems to do the trick.

Can we get these pages into CVS or something?

- --
Bart <couf@fedoraproject.org> <couf@skynet.be>
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