Dear Sir, We used to block website containing certain words like sex , porn etc on redhat by using followind lines in redhat acl bad regex -i sex porn but using the same lines we are unable to block these contents in fedora. Pls help in this regards Regards Sanjeev Kumar Papneja Kanpur Instiute of Technology Kanpur , UP INDIA
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 12:45 AM, sanjeev papneja sanjeevpapneja@yahoo.comwrote:
Dear Sir,
We used to block website containing certain words like sex , porn etc on redhat by using followind lines in redhat acl bad regex -i sex porn
but using the same lines we are unable to block these contents in fedora.
Pls help in this regards
Regards Sanjeev Kumar Papneja Kanpur Instiute of Technology Kanpur , UP INDIA
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