Sorry I send this email to you who's working with the website but I really didn't find a link or email to send this to the correct person; maybe you'll know better than me! I just downloaded the Fedora Core 9 Beta i386 DVD iso file. I decided to read the file README_BURNING_ISOS_en_US.txt and noticed it still referred to the Fedora 8 project. Now, as I mentioned I know this isn't your problem or maybe you can't fix this but since you know your ways around the website, maybe you'd know where to point me or forward this.
Keep up the great work with the website; it's amazing.
Thanks. Raúl Colón-Scarano, Puerto Rico
On Sat, 2008-04-19 at 22:15 -0400, Raúl Colón-Scarano wrote:
Sorry I send this email to you who's working with the website but I really didn't find a link or email to send this to the correct person; maybe you'll know better than me! I just downloaded the Fedora Core 9 Beta i386 DVD iso file. I decided to read the file README_BURNING_ISOS_en_US.txt and noticed it still referred to the Fedora 8 project. Now, as I mentioned I know this isn't your problem or maybe you can't fix this but since you know your ways around the website, maybe you'd know where to point me or forward this.
This should be logged in Red Hat's Bugzilla at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/ under the Fedora Documentation product, readme-burning-isos component.
Keep up the great work with the website; it's amazing.
Thanks from all of us on the Website team :)
Thanks. Raúl Colón-Scarano, Puerto Rico
On Sun, 2008-04-20 at 15:58 -0400, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams wrote:
On Sat, 2008-04-19 at 22:15 -0400, Raúl Colón-Scarano wrote:
Sorry I send this email to you who's working with the website but I really didn't find a link or email to send this to the correct person; maybe you'll know better than me! I just downloaded the Fedora Core 9 Beta i386 DVD iso file. I decided to read the file README_BURNING_ISOS_en_US.txt and noticed it still referred to the Fedora 8 project. Now, as I mentioned I know this isn't your problem or maybe you can't fix this but since you know your ways around the website, maybe you'd know where to point me or forward this.
This should be logged in Red Hat's Bugzilla at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/ under the Fedora Documentation product, readme-burning-isos component.
Keep up the great work with the website; it's amazing.
Thanks from all of us on the Website team :)
Worth noting that this is already fixed in Rawhide and should be correct in the Fedora 9 final release.
Hi Friends,
I need your help in the following questions:
1- Can I install the Fedora version 8 in the following machine?
Machine #1: AMD Athlom(tm) 64X2 Dual Core Processor 3600+ 2.00 GHz, 193 GB of RAM
2- I Downloaded the following files: "Fedora-8-dvd-i386" and Fedora-8-Live-i686.iso
The first one is in DVD format and the second is format CD but I have problem to burn the DVD using NERO and When I use the CD to boot in the computer and I didn't do nothing.
Thanks in advance, Jose G.
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On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 17:29 +0000, jose garcia wrote:
Hi Friends,
As always, the user-related resources are listed here: