#2239: Translation Fedora Account System in French -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Reporter: renault | Owner: webmaster Type: bug | Status: new Priority: minor | Milestone: Component: Web Content | Version: Severity: Normal | Keywords: -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- The website Fedora Account System has been translated several months ago in French only is there still the possibility to use the translation on the site. This is a bit embarrassing for French users who would benefit from their resource in their language as other languages made available for some time.
#2239: Translation Fedora Account System in French -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Reporter: renault | Owner: webmaster Type: bug | Status: closed Priority: minor | Milestone: Component: Web Content | Version: Severity: Normal | Resolution: fixed Keywords: | -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Changes (by toshio):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => fixed
Deployed in 0.8.8