Hi to all!
My name is Vincenzo Errico. I live in a small village near Arezzo called "Pieve al Toppo" (name by "Divina Commedia" of Dante Alghieri).
I work in a ICT public enterprise of Siena.
My roles are based on web development and more.
Web Development/Web Designer to development web application with software open-source on 3-tier architecture with this tools: Xamp, Gimp2, Eclipse (SVN/Webdav/Uml support) php on Fedora 12;
Web Designer to create/modify template for corporate intranet with W3C specific (CSS, Javascript, Html, Php) on CMS Joomla 1.5.9;
IT support specialist as trainer on business portal based on CMS Joomla 1.5.9;
Programming support and definition of corporate ICT projects;
Technical testing and system integration to Client Management (Pdl, Help Desk, implementation of HW and SW required unscheduled);
Betatester on reportisory Alfreso and webmail Zimbra.
Other skills are the follows:
Drafting of DMCA to pause sites against the copyright (see delete site http://girlsdormitory-video.com on http://xtbxyj.com/464/107.html)
Interventions on web security http://groups.google.com/group/privnote-tech/browse_thread/thread/72afb56a7a...
Newsletter subscriber on newsletters@zdnet.online.com and http://www.manuali.it.
I like search new solutions and work with positive people.
During spare time like running, bike and swimming, write poetry and play chess, or try to learn japanese!!!
I think will be good with this new team!
Best regards.
Vincenzo Errico