Hi everyone,
I'm the organiser for the Haecksen miniconf[0] at linux.conf.au 2011[1].
I currently have some open slots for lightning talks, and was wondering
if there was anyone out there in Fedora-land that would like to speak
about fedora-women, or some other relevant topic. We have already
scheduled a talk about the GNOME women's outreach project, and there are
many Ubuntu-women contributors who will be there on the day. It would
nice to have Fedora represented as well.
If you are going to be at LCA in January, and you wouldn't mind dropping
in to Haecksen on the Monday to speak for 5 minutes, then I'd love to
hear from you.
Email unicorn(a)haecksen.net and let me know your ideas!
[0] http://haecksen.net/
[1] http://lca2011.linux.org.au/
Cheers! Lana
One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be
- Marie Curie
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