Thanks a lot, this fixed the problem.
Cole Robinson schrieb:
> Falk Zimmermann wrote:
>> <disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
>> <driver name='file'/>
>> <source file=''/>
>> <target dev='hdc'/>
>> <readonly/>
>> </disk>
> This section is what is causing the error. With windows guests, the
> tools try to do some funky stuff so that windows can still have access
> to the install cd for the second stage of the install (after the first
> reboot.) It probably shouldn't be erroring like that so there is a bug
> somewhere, just not sure where in the chain it is.
> In the interim, you can get your guest to work with access to your iso
> image with:
> - virsh dumpxml <xmdomain> > somefile.xml
> - replace <source file=''/> with <source file='/path/to/win.iso'/> in
> the above block in somefile.xml
> - virsh undefine <xmdomain>
> - virsh define somefile.xml
> If you don't need access to the iso in the guest, you can go to the
> details section of the domain in virt-manager and remove hdc, which will
> get rid of the block of xml without needing to undefine/define.
> - Cole