Hi  Dan

On 2/19/07, Daniel P. Berrange <berrange@redhat.com> wrote:

The xendomains  init script which is responsible for starting domains at
boot time is pretty simplisitic. It simply does a wildcard on the files in
/etc/xen/auto/*  or saved VMs in /var/lib/xen/save/* so domains will get
started in alphabetical order based on their name. You shouldn't rely on
this  behaviour though, because the way domains are autostarted has changed
in Xen 3.0.4  which will be in Fedora 7 and I can't guarentee the startup
ordering will be the same

So if you want to ensure domains start ina  particular order, I'd not use
the xendomains script at all. Instead just put a bunch of 'xm create'
statements in /etc/rc.d/rc.local to follow your desired ordering exactly.

Alright then we must go for /etc/rc.d/rc.local approach, however I wonders why xen uses the alphabetic approach when starts domains its kinda weird :)

Thanks. Askar

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