Obviously you don't use xenguest-install to set up your guests as it is not possible to do that natively...

Finally, what I did:
- I installed a guest FC5 with xenguest-install in a file. (1 partition for "/", grub installed in first sector, no swap partition)
- create a new lvg , mount it
- from dom0, lomount mount the file (partition 1)
- copy everything from the file (partition 1) to the lvg (cp -ax)
- change the grub.conf (root=) and fstab ("/" partition) in the lvg to adapt to the new name for /dev/sda1
- change the corresponding xen config file to replace xvda by sda1 and put the name of the lvg

..and it works great.

I now have a "base" version for FC5 in that lvg, I can duplicate it to create a new FC5 guest when needed, and I indeed can easily change the size of the base "disk" (lvextend, resize2fs).

Thanks everyone for your help.

Lamont R. Peterson wrote:
On Monday 24 April 2006 08:45pm, Denis Forveille wrote:
Thanks, but I still miss how to grow the partition inside the disk
inside the lvg (lvg -> /dev/xvda -> /dev/xvda1)

I don't have partitions inside of the LVs in dom0.  It works great for all 
distros (SUSE 9.x/10.0, SLES8/9, RHEL3/4, CentOS3/4, FC2/3/4/5, Gentoo, 
Ubuntu).  Just make the LV the partition for the domU guests.  Then, you 
don't have to worry about a partition table from either dom0 or domU and the 
guests don't care about it either.


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