Am Donnerstag, den 23.06.2011, 21:24 +0200 schrieb Martin Sourada:
- There are people who wish to use different terminal than desktop default (it's not "just running xterm in a window with tabs" and it's certainly not running bash everywhere. There are people who use different shells)
- There are multi-user installations where one user uses KDE, another GNOME and yet another XFCE
How are you going to show both of them sensible menu entry for terminal? ShowOnlyIn will block the first use case, leaving Terminal will result in menu with two or more Terminals in there...
1 is not a problem as long as we don't change anything. People can install and run what they like 2 is not a problem as long as we don't change anything. People can run any terminal in any environment and they can configure their menu.
There only is a problem when 1 and 2 are combined: In a multi-user install where users are using different desktops and do not want to use the default terminal of that environment. This is 3 conditions combined and I consider this a negligible cornercase that is not worth the hassle.
Regards, Christoph